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    Frequently asked questions

    How do I place an order?

    Placing an order is easy! Browse our products, add desired items to your cart, and follow the step-by-step checkout process. You'll enter shipping information and payment details to complete your purchase.

    Can I modify or cancel my order?

    We usually process orders quickly. Please contact us immediately at [email protected] to see if modification or cancellation is possible.

    Do you offer gift wrapping?

    Yes! Select the gift-wrapping option during checkout. You can also include a personalized gift message.

    What shipping methods do you offer?

    We offer standard, expedited, and international shipping options. Costs and delivery times will be calculated at checkout based on your location.

    How long does shipping take?

    Standard shipping usually takes [X-X] business days. Expedited options are available for faster delivery. Processing time before shipping is typically [X-X] business days.

    Do you ship internationally?

    Yes, we ship to all major countries! 

    What is your return policy?

    We accept returns within [X] days of receipt for unused items in their original packaging. Please see our full Returns & Exchanges policy for details.

    How do I initiate a return?

    Contact our customer service at [email protected] or call [phone number]. We'll provide instructions and any necessary return labels.